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Are Shrooms Legal in Colorado? (Prop 122)

Are shrooms legal in Colorado? It's complicated. Learn about decriminalization, Prop 122, and what it means for growers and users.

Last Updated: Mon Jul 08 2024

Are Shrooms legal in Colorado? This is the question to rule them all. Well, kind of….

When we ask this question the immediate answer for people right now is, YES!

But, it’s a little more complicated than that. Shrooms are decriminalized state wide. However, it’s not that simple. Decriminalization still comes with the caveat that there are still consequences for having too much, or using the wrong way. Prop 122 in Colorado, serves as the gateway to decriminalized mushrooms growing at home, and commercially licensed facilities soon to come. There are many luxuries afforded by this new legislation. In order to understand “Are shrooms legal in Colorado” we need to understand what Prop 122 is.

(Legislative Council Draft from 2022)

Prop 122 allowed for the formation of the Colorado Psychadelic Advisory Board. This board sits 15 members ranging from doctors to lawyers to public health officials. They will be tasked to make recommendations to DORA (department of regulatory Agencies). This board was announced January 27, 2023 and will not be available for press interviews, unlike Oregon, notably.

Under this authority, DORA is required to establish rules within 1 year. They are further mandated to accept facilitator license applications by September 30, 2024. There will be a few different license types available. Healing Center License, and Facilitator License. These will both designate different levels of commerce able to be done in Colorado.

(Durango Herald Citation)

There are lengthy requirements for license applicants, not exactly like, but similar to many that were employed for cannabis. There is though, a specific ode to Social Equity applicants, which aims to prioritize Indigenous, Veteran, POC, and other communities in the application process.

One unique aspect of Prop 122 is unlike cannabis, municipalities in Colorado MAY NOT OPT OUT. There are still rules like zoning and such that must be followed, but nonetheless, a strong and visible wording in name of progress has been added directly into legislation. Another exciting aspect is the specific mention of healthcare facilities being eligible to use such policies and laws. Hopefully this means a more widespread acceptance of natural medicines.

Denver government officials are currently seeking mushroom growers in the state of Colorado to lay out guidelines and set precedent. There are even a few folks in the industry already pushing the boundary. Check out this article in the Westword about an ambitious plan in Denver, set to shake up the industry moving forward.

(Denver Co-Op pushing boundary on legal Psilocybin in Denver)

There are many changes legally coming, and already instated due to Prop 122. Just remember that shrooms aren’t legal in the full capacity that cannabis is. All that being said there are a few amazing liberties afforded in the safety of your own home. You may now grow in your own home, and even gift to others! Prop 122 addresses both residential, and commercial laws, furthering the conversation for all levels of growers in the state. These are pretty cool perks to growing in Colorado. So don’t be scared, but definitely keep informed. Stay updated on the latest laws and keep ahead of the crowd. Check out FungiFanaticsCO on Instagram and Youtube to stay up to date on current Psilocybin news. If you're ready to take full advantage of Prop 122 , check out the shop page for the easiest, cleanest way to bring a slice of the shroom pie to your home.

(Fungi Fanatics Shop Page)

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